Vita Akzent Plus Glaze LT : 5g

Original price was: ₹1,990.00.Current price is: ₹1,933.00.


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For all types of dental-ceramic materials, for the layering and press technique and feldspar ceramic blocks such as VITABLOCS to monolithic restorations. It is suitable for all dental ceramic materials and for every CTE.


Vita Akzent Plus Glaze LT:

  • Vita Akzent Plus Glaze LT- Low Temperature
  • Low -metting glaze material especially for ceramics with firing temperature below 800C
  • The firing temperature of the effect and body stains can be changed by adding glaze Lt
  • Glaze 3 choices to choose from based on preference/work custom
  • Akzent plus glaze (powder , paste or spray) for glass like effect sold separately
  • Akzent plus glaze Lt (powder, paste or spray) for glass like effect specifically for ceramics low temperature firing below 800C paste and spray sold separately
  • Akzent plus finishing agent (powder or paste) to create a silky matte veneer surface sold separately
  • Akzent plus powder fluid can be used to mix all Akzent plus powder materials and obtain a moldable mixture with a paste like consistency sold separately


At what temperature should I fire VITA AKZENT Plus stains?
  • The firing temperature always depends on the material to which you apply VITA AKZENT Plus stains. The temperatures at which you can fire VITA AKZENT Plus stains range from 780 °C to 950 °C. The firing temperature is generally approx. 10 °C below that of the previous dentine firing.
Can I use VITA AKZENT Plus stain fluid for my AKZENT stains?
  • Yes, this can be used without any difficulty.
What is the lowest temperature at which stains can be fired?
  • The lowest temperature for VITA AKZENT Plus stains is 780 °C. Particularly in the case of glaze materials, however, the level of shine depends strongly on the underlying material. In this low-temperature range, we recommend using GLAZE LT.