
GDC Bone Rongeurs


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Bone Rongeurs

Blumenthal 90 Degree (Rbl90), Double Action (Rboe), Blumenthal 45 Degree Micro Bone Rongeur (RMFM45), Mini Friedman (Rmf), Blumenthal 90 Degree Micro Bone Rongeur (RMFM90), Mead (R1a), Blumenthal Micro Bone Rongeur (RMFM30), Blumenthal (Rbl), Blumenthal 45 Degree (Rbl45), Friedman (Rf)


Used for trimming and recontouring alveolar bone and gross tissue removal

• Upper Molars left, Used for dental extraction (also referred to as tooth extraction, exodontia or exodontics): the removal of teeth from the dental alveolus (socket) in the alveolar bone