Dental Intra-oral Film Positioning System Complete is X-ray film positioning system used for Paralleling technique in Dental Radiography.
It is a customized kit containg bite blocks, Aiming rings & Indicator arms for different types i.e Anterior, Posterior, Endodontic & Bitewing.
Cleaning & Sterilization :
- Disassemble instrument (s).
- Remove debris from components with hot water or soap.
- Place components in sterlization pouches, and place in the middle tray. Plastic parts must be in a separate pouch from metal arms, to avoid melting or warping.
- Cycle per autoclave manufacturer’s instructions. DO NOT CHEMICLAVE OR DRY-HEAT STERLIZE. DO NOT COLD STERILIZE.
- NOTE : Plastic parts have a limited life and should be replaced periodically. Any method of sterilization will shorten the life of plastic parts.
Directions For Use
Positioning Instructions:
- Assemble instrument. Be sure the bite-block is centred in aiming ring .
- Place appropriate size film in instrument with imprinted side of film away from x-ray tube head.
1.“white toward light” – place plain or white side of film toward x-ray tube head.
2.Do not bend back the bite block when inserting the film.
- Position instrument in patient’s mouth as posterior as possible, away from the teeth and in the mid-palatinal or mid-tongual area. Center film on the teeth to be radiographed.
1. “Lean and tip”- lean the chair back just a little and/ or tip the patients chin up to facilitate placement of the FPS instruments into the center of the patient’s mouth.For exposure, the occlusal surface should be parellel to the ground.
2. For bitewing exposures, the patient should be biting on the same arch as the teeth being radiographed. When assembled correctly, the bitewing instrument should hold the film with the plain side facing the bite-block’s bite surface and the x-ray tubehead.
3. For endo, place the instrument over the tooth, files and clamps, resting on the adjacent teeth. If using a rubber dam, release the top or bottom of the dam from the frame. The dam and frame do not need to be removed .
- Instruct patient to close slowly and bite . A cotton roll can be placed between the bite-block and the opposite teeth for added comfort and stability.
1. “Gentle ; breath ” – ask the patient to gently bite down and then several breaths; it gives them something to concentrate on other than the radiograph procedure.
- Position tubehead parallel to indicator arm and centered on aiming ring.
- Make exposure