- Low polymerization temperature
- Three Fluorescent shades
- Low shrinkage
- Excellent polishability
- Easy and fast processing time
Cool Temp NATURAL is a temporary crowns and bridge material based on bis-acryl composite. An optimized elastic phase allows the material to be easily removed after a short time in the mouth. The result is an accurate and aesthetic provisional.
User friendly
Cooler curing
• Low temperature = does not damage or irritate the pulp
Step 1 :
Prior to tooth preparation, take an impression. Then prepare the teeth as required.
Step 2 :
Load the impression with Cool Temp NATURAL and place over the prepared teeth (35 s).
Step 3 :
After 30–45 s in the mouth, remove the Cool Temp NATURAL provisional. It will have a firm elastic consistency and come out easily.
Step 4 :
The complete restoration after preparation & polishing.