It is compatible with composite resin restorations because it does not contain Eugenol.
The recommended time of permanence of the product in the patient as restoring provisory is of up to 30 days. In cases of the temporary seal of the screw on implantation, replace every 30 days.
When used as provisory material restorative, after light-cured it absorbs water of the saliva, it suffers a light expansion doing a negative pressure in the wall of the cavity guaranteeing an efficient seal capacity.
Seal the access to the cavity protecting the dentinal canals exposed or the entry of the canal root, blocking the passage of fluid, bacteria and toxins.
When used to temporarily seal the screw on implantation, its action is to form a mechanical barrier isolating the screw of the contact with fluids of the oral cavity.
In the use as a matrix of occlusal sculpture its action is plastic and model, due to the characteristic of the product.
It presents fluorine in the composition, promoting prophylactic action against the caries. (Sodium Fluorid = 0.52% íons fluorine).